Tag Archives: The Independent

British Government Can Apparently Now Change Laws Retropectivly

Yesterday the British government took the unprecedented step of effectively declaring that it is above the law.

A few weeks ago the Department of Work and Pensions was judged, according to the Court of Appeal, to have illegally sanctioned unemployed people who had been forced to work for free.

Being forced to work for free – with the taxpayer picking up the bill for a measly £71 a week Jobseekers Allowance – is known as workfare.

Those driven on to workfare had not been given properly informed about the schemes and – by violating the law – the Government was due to cough up an average of £550 to 231,000 illegally punished people.

So far so good…

But…what was the Tory response? Not only to change the law, but to do so retrospectively. No laws were now broken, because those laws have been changed in hindsight. Retrospective lawmaking – the implications are astounding.

This rule change was pushed through last night because the Labour party ordered its MPs to abstain – although a number, to their credit, voted against it – allowing this travesty to go through.

Why should anyone obey a law any more, since Parliament can now apparently retrospectivly change it at whim.

Something you did perfectly legally today might this time next week be illeagal, and if they make it retrospective to yesterday – you’ve broken the law, even though you hadn’t at the time. The lunatics have finally gained full control of the asylum.

You may wonder why you didn’t hear anything about this on the news today. Because there appears to have been a news blackout is why. Only a few blogs reported it, and, to his credit, Owen Jones at The Independent newspaper.

His article is herehttp://www.independent.co.uk/voices/…e-8542193.html

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